Safe Ministry

Sojourners Church is committed to being a church that actively lives out our love to God and to our neighbour.

We have zero tolerance for any type of abuse of any person, particularly abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
We want to be a community where children and families are welcome and participate fully. Where children and young people are fully engaged and have every opportunity to flourish and grow, without barriers that hinder or harm.

If you become aware of misconduct or abusive behaviour it is critically important that you report this. Any adult who forms a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed by an adult against a child has a moral and legal obligation to report that information to police. Failure to disclose such information to police is a criminal offence in NSW, QLD and VIC.

Our Safe Ministry Contacts

Mark Tibben

Executive Minister

Jess Seedhom

Director of Generations Ministry

Our Safe Guarding Framework 

The following documents help us to fulfil our commitment to make our communities safe and uplifting for all.

Misconduct and Complaints

If you wish to make a complaint, report misconduct (by staff or volunteers), make a report of harm to children, please use the form below. You can also make a report to our independent professional standards body, Kooyoora, by calling 1800 135 246.

Code of Conduct

We expect that all volunteers in our churches will adhere to our code of conduct. You can indicate you will abide by this code by following the 

Child Safe Guarding

Churches in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne are also bound by the polices and procedures of the diocese. These documents help us to fulfil our commitment to make our communities safe places for children.

Occupational Health and Safety

If you wish to report a hazard, incident or near miss at any of our locations or ministries, you can do so on the Incident and Hazard form.